16 abril 2010

Por que escolher uma dieta sem gluten? Why gluten free?

"Over millions of years, our diet produced a human body meant to be lean, fit, strong, resistant to infection,able to cover long distances, and to think fast and creatively throughout life. Today, that same body finds itself buckling under pressure of highg fat meals and too little activity. Down to earth nutrition shaped us, yet in the blink of any aye in time, we radically altered our foods, lives and environments, so that today we are consuming foods as alien to our ancient bodies as breathing carbon monoxide"
Adapted from The Origin Diet, Elizabeth Somer, MA, RN

O gluten e um tipo de proteina encontarda no trigo, no ceneteio, aveia, cevada e na maioria dos cereais. O Gluten pode causar serios problemas de saude por ser uma substancia dificil de se digerir  e resitente as enzimas que quebram as proteinas no sistema digestivo. A consequencia  em comer alimentos que conetenham gluten pode se transformar em uma alergia ou ate mesmo em uma doenca autoimune.
A doenca celiaca e uma reacao ao gluten. Existe tambem a possibilidade da pessoa adquirir algum tipo de alergia ao trigo ou adquirir diferentes graus de sensibilidade ao gluten, dificultando sua digetsao.
Pessoas que sofrem da doenca celica tem extrema sensibilidade ao gluten. A proteina encontarada no trigo causa uma infalamacao intestinal e outros sintomas graves.  O gluetn, gera uma liberacao exagerada de zoulin, que faz a parede do intestino mais permeavel a moleculas grandes, incluindo o gluten.
O intestino permeavel proporciona a essas moleculas, como o gluten a entrarem no resto do corpo. Isso desencadeia uma resposta autoimune na qual o sistema imunologico dos celiacos identifica o gluten como sendo um invasor e responde com um ataque ao intestino, ao inves do invasor.
Comer um paozinho de vez quando faz mal algum  porem o execsso pode alterar seu metabolismo, baixar a imunidade, favorecendo o crescimento de bacterias que gostam de calor e estagnacao. Experimente optar por alimento sem gluten para ver como voce se sente, hoje em dia e possivel encotrar pao, pasta e biscoitos sem gluten.

"A ingestao de gluten pode causar atrofia das vilosidade da mucosa do intestino delgado, fazendo com que ocorra uma ma absorcao de nutrientes, vitaminas, minerais e agua. Etsa incluem 250 sintoma conhecidos de sensibilidade ao gluten."

"Esses sintomas podem causar cansaco, desconforto gastro-intetinal (inchaco, gases, refluxos) incapaciadde de concetracao, prblemas arrticulares, dores musculares, alergias cutaneas,depressao, probelmas respiratorio, infertilidades e ate aborto."

Alimentos que cotem gluten:
  • Trigo (farinha, semolina,germe e farelo)
  • Aveia 
  • Centeio
  • Cevada
  • Granola
  • Biscoitos
  • Bolos
  • Pizza
  • Malte
  • cerveja
  • vodka whisky
  • Ovomaltine
  • Bebidas contendo malte
  • Leites achocolatados que contenham malte
  • Queijos fundidos e queijos preparados com cereais probioticos
  • Pates, enlatados e embutidos (salame, salaminho e algumas salsichas)
  • Maoinese, catchup, mostarda e temperos industrializados pode conter gluten


Why should I go Gluten Free?

You probably have asked your self why should I go gluten free or at least: what is gluten?
Gluten is a type of protein that is found in wheat, rye and barley and it is found in most type of cereals. It is the substance that helps making bread elastic and it can cause seroius health problem.
The problem with gluten is that they are hard to digest and it is resistant to the enzymes to berak down 
proteins in your digestive system.
The response to eating gluten containing foods can turn to be toleranted to stimulating the immune system. In some individuals this becomes an autoimmune response. Celiac disease is an extreme reaction to gluten. There are possibilities of wheat allergy and various degrees of gluten free sensitivity.
 Celiac disease can cause atrophy of the villi of the small intestine mucosa, causing demage in the absortion of nutrients, vitamins, mineral and water. These includes 250 known symptoms of gluten sensitivity. Those symptoms can be fatigue, gastro-intestinal distress (bloating, gas, acid reflux,...) inability to concetrate, joint problem, mucle pain, depression and respiratory problems, infertility and multiple miscarriages.
Gluten can be found in many foods like, beer, cookies, breads, cakes pizza, soy sauce, cereals, crackers and etc...
Eating gluten is basically not good for humans. We absorb water, minerals, and other nutrients form the lininig of the small intestine. The lining is covered with  tiny fingers called villi. These fingers vastly expand the absorbent area of the intestine.  Zonulin is a protein produced when we eat,normally it causes passagesways in the small intestine to open so the important nutrients can be absorbed into bloodstream. Wheat cause to much zonulin to be produced-in all humans. This increases intestinal permeability and fragments form the digestive system leak into the bloodstream.

Food that contain gluten:
  • Wheat
  • Rye
  • barley
  • Oats
  • Granola
  • Coscous
  • Pasta 
  • Pizza 
  • Cake 
  • Cookies
  • Bear
  • Whisky
  • Vodka
  • Malted drinks

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Berkeley, CA, United States
Bianca Omena has been studying yoga for ten years and teaching for seven. She was initiated in Mantra Yoga Meditation from Swami Devanad Jhi Maharaj and has studied classical Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Since 2008 she has been studying Shadow Yoga with Scott Blossom, Mark Horner, Zhander Remete and Emma Balnaves. Bianca believes that yoga is a path to learn about patterns, attachments, and fears; and through a continuous practice anyone can take responsibility for their own growth and self-realization. Bianca’s classes are focused on fundamental principals of Hatha Yoga. She likes to bring awareness to the movement of vinyasa and to the energy flow of the body.


O que for a profundeza do teu ser, assim será o teu desejo.
O que for o teu desejo, assim será a sua vontade.
O que for a sua vontade, assim serão os seus atos,
o que forem os seus atos,
assim será o seu destino"